Freshmen Orientation Information
Freshmen Orientation Letter
Appomattox Regional Governor’s School for the Arts and Technology
Create, Lead, Inspire, Achieve
Dear ARGS Families:
Welcome to ARGS! We are so excited to have you join our ARGS family. While this is an exciting time for our new students and families, it can be a little overwhelming coming into a new school with new faces. To help ease the transition, we have set aside a day for our incoming Freshmen and their families to get to know ARGS, their new teachers and classmates. Please set aside August 19 for our all day Freshmen Orientation. Attached you will find the schedule for the day.
We are excited to offer a full day of programming to help ease your transition to ARGS for our new students and parents and/or guardians; however, we recognize that not all families will be able to attend with their student. The day is broken up so that parents and/or guardians may stay the entire day or leave whenever necessary. While we understand parents and/or guardians may not be able to stay for the full day or attend at all, we do expect our students to remain the entire day. The morning is dedicated to meeting teachers and with focus areas. Lunch will then be provided to our students. During lunch, parents and/or guardians will have the option to leave campus and grab something to eat and return or leave for the day. We will be providing some Q & A sessions for parents in the afternoon regarding PowerSchool and school fees. We will end the day with an ice cream social for all parents and students.
Transportation will be provided by your county if needed. Please reach out to your division regarding transportation questions.
We look forward to meeting all of you on August 19 for our Freshmen Orientation. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions 804-722-0200.
With Dragon Pride,
Meagan Tenia, Ed.D
Executive Director
Click Here To Download Orientation Letter
Freshmen Orientation Schedule
Freshman Orientation Schedule
August 19, 2024
8:00- 8:30 Registration Cafeteria
8:30 - 9:00 Welcome Address Auditorium
(Parents/guardians and students)
9:05 - 9:35 Focus Area Meetings (Parents/guardians and students)
Literary Arts Library
Visual Arts Art Foyer
Theatre Auditorium
Technology Room B15
Music Choir/Orchestra Room—B5
Dance B2
9:40 - 11:59am Parents Q&A Auditorium
9:40 - 11:59am Follow Class Schedule and Meet Teachers (students only)
NOTE: Bells will ring at the start and end of each session.
Block 1 9:40 - 9:52 Block 5 10:57 - 11:09
Block 2 10:00 - 10:12 Block 6 11:16 - 11:28
Block 3 10:19 - 10:31 Block 7 11:28 - 11:40
Block 4 10:38 - 10:50 Block 8 11:47 - 11:59
12:00 - 12:30 Lunch for Students Cafeteria
Pizza & Bottled Water
*Parents may drop off paperwork or pay fees in the office if needed. (The Main Office is open from 8:00-11:30 am and 12:00-3:15pm)
12:40 - 2:55 Student Group Rotations--students only--start with color groups*
12:40 - 1:15 Maroon Becoming an“A”rgs student Library Counseling
1:20 - 2:05 Gold Ice Breakers & Sophomores welcome Gym
2:10 - 2:55 Green Success at ARGS Panel Discussion Auditorium Tenia
3:00 pm ICE CREAM SOCIAL Courtyard
*Parents or guardians are excused at 12:00 pm. You may hang out in the courtyard or auditorium. There will be a Parent PowerSchool orientation at 1pm in Lab 117. You are also free to go and return to join your child for the ice cream social at 3pm.
Click Here To Download Orientation Schedule